Hunter Green is our most popular umbrella color. This classic color provides a timeless look to any dining setting. Our market umbrella frames are made of sturdy 8 ribbed tropical hardwood. With brass fittings throughout, these umbrellas provide a great value found only in more expensive umbrellas. Canvas coverings are made of sturdy 8 ounce polyester canvas which are treated to resist stains and soil. Be sure to check out our sleek 39 lb base to complete your selection.
- 6-foot octagon market umbrella vented for comfort and stability
- Made of solid hardwood and heavy, durable, colorfast 8 ounce polyester fabric with ScotchGard
- Matches fabric of Oxford Garden cushions
- Two-piece interlocking pole with a composite hub
- 88 inches high with a diameter of 72 inches and a pole diameter of 1-3/8 inches
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